Mascotia Wiki

I've been wondering, and thinking, and I've ended up with this simple, five word question- CAN I BE AN ADMIN? After all I've been on the Mascotia Wiki for so long, and creating pages, categories, and new ideas, I think I should be an admin. Also, there is this button thing called customize badges, and I think only admins can use it. Also I don't believe it has ever been used before. So, should I become an admin, or not? IT'S YOUR DECISION!

Me: Should I be an admin, my mascots?

Matul: Yes!

Ichthy: SQUEAKY!(Yes!)

IB: Yes!


Negative: Yes, so I can hack Shacho's account and control the Wiki! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Everyone:(looks at Negative)

Negative:(Akward!) Um, BYE!(zooms away)
