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Paintica is a member of Negative's Army, and is the supposed mom of Paintative, with Negative being the dad. She is based off Drawcia from Kirby: Canvas Curse.


Paintica was a member of a colony of Sporbs. Before she arrived, her home planet was destroyed, and she was sent to the planet the colony was on to be safe. She was later adopted by some Sporbs, and was treated like a daughter. Of course, she didn't look like a ball of paint like in the present, but looked a little bit like Drawcia's first fom. She later started controlling paint. She later ended up accidentally turning the planet into a giant canvas like world when she used some of her "to powerful" powers. The Sporbs sent her to Oblivion for revenge, where she spent a century. She then turned into her soul form(which she is in today), and endured tons of pain. After accidentally creating a portal to Oblivion, Negative found her and rescued her. After that, Paintica joined Negative's Army, and fell in love with him.



Normal Form[]

In this form, she looks just like Drawcia's first form, and has paint powers.

Soul Form[]

In this form, she looks like what she looks like today, and has increased paint powers.

Anger Form[]

She enters this form when she's angry. She has darker colors, and has an uncontroled temper. Only Negative can calm her.

@Wulfeh 55

Anger Paintica


  • Paintica seems to be the only female member of Negative's Army.
  • She is extremely protective of Paintative, and if he is hurt or upset by someone, she goes MAD!!!!!!!!!!